Hi I’m Robert Jan. I’m a ver­sa­tile grap­hic desig­ner based in Wage­nin­gen. With my exper­tise I can help you with the design and pre­sen­ta­tion of your work and research results.


Please con­tact me if you want to know more.



Thesis layout and cover design

I will make your the­sis stand out from the rest. I can take your lay­out to the next level as well.

Poster presentation design

I’ll make you a stun­ning pos­ter. Appea­ling to your audience with a clear lay­out and good rea­da­bi­lity.


For­get those boring graphs and tables. Your research results deserve to be dis­played in ama­zing info­grap­hics.

Scientific artwork

Image edi­ting, pho­to­shop work, cre­a­ting vec­tor grap­hics or logos. You name it, I’m on it!

Tutoring Adobe software

I give effec­tive tuto­ring, pri­vate or in small groups in inDe­sign, Illu­stra­tor and Pho­to­shop.


With my net­work of prin­ting com­pa­nies, I can gua­ran­tee good qua­lity print work for a fair price.


Why work with mE?

Based in Wageningen

I live and work in Wage­nin­gen so mee­ting at the cam­pus or your favou­rite cof­fee place will be easy.

Extensive experience

I have two degrees and over ten years of expe­rience. I’m posi­tive I can help you with your grap­hic design needs.


Fluent English

You don’t speak Dutch? Not a pro­blem at all. I’m used to spea­king English with many clients.
Here’s what my clients say
I design for indi­vi­du­als and com­pa­nies in Wage­nin­gen and abroad. A large part of my clients come from the sci­en­ti­fic sec­tor. This is what they say about me.
“What Robert Jan has done for PowerMe is inva­lu­a­ble. He gave PowerMe a face. Child­ren and parents recog­nize my car eve­ry­where in Wage­nin­gen. The work­book invi­tes child­ren to work in it. The fly­ers stand out because of the sim­ple but powerful appe­a­rance. Robert Jan, thank you for the pro­fes­si­o­nal look!”
Inge van Luijn

Coach, PowerMe

“I have been wor­king on seve­ral pro­jects together with Robert Jan for many years. He works hard and accu­ra­tely with use­ful input. Des­pite the often short dead­lines, he mana­ges to keep a clear head.”
Paul Wes­ter­beek

Eco­lo­gi­cal advi­sor, Pro­vin­cie Fries­land

“It’s nice to work with Robert Jan. He under­stands both the grap­hic design and the tech­ni­cal con­tent of our web­site. He also devel­ops our com­mu­ni­ca­tion mate­ri­als to full satis­fac­tion.”
Bert Meurs

Researcher and direc­tor, Plan­ta­lo­gica BV

“Whe­ther it con­cerns bio­di­ver­sity in the Carib­bean Nether­lands, advice ser­vi­ces for small far­mers in Kenya, or cli­mate adapta­tion mea­su­res in Euro­pean cities, Robert Jan trans­la­tes my sto­ries and snip­pets of infor­ma­tion into attrac­tive and clean designs for web­si­tes, apps, or on paper. RJ, thank you very much for the always fast and fruit­ful coo­p­e­ra­tion!”
Peter Ver­weij

Researcher Envi­ron­men­tal Infor­ma­tics, Wage­nin­gen Envi­ron­men­tal Research

Interested to see What I can Do for your project?
contact me!